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UMNA 005- Program for ESOL Students (UNH Manchester): Cultural Customs Research Project


Cultural Customs Research Project

Project Overview

For this project you will choose a cultural custom, like a festival, holiday, or other cultural activity, research that topic, and prepare a short presentation about it for the class. You can choose an activity from a culture that you are familiar with or an activity that you don't know much about but would like to learn more about.

You can work on your own or with a partner. Kate Norton, the librarian, will help us with the research. We will work on the project from October 17-November 9, along with other types of lessons for the class. This will coordinate with Unit 7 in your textbook, which is on the subject of customs and behavior.

Presentation Guidelines

  • Length: 4-8 minutes of presentation time, 5-8 presentation slides
  • Title slide: Includes your name and the title of your topic
  • Information slides: Include the main points of your research and pictures/images
  • Sources slide: Includes a list of your research sources with web addresses

Steps of the Project

Step 1: (October 7/9) Explore topics to research and choose a topic for your presentation. Choose a partner if you want one.

Step 2: (October 19) Go to the computer lab (Room 376) to do research with Kate during the first part of class. I will give you a research guide to help you.

Step 3: (October 24) Go to the computer lab (Room 376) and continue research or make a PowerPoint for your presentation.

Step 4: (October 26) Write a script for your presentation and practice speaking it. At home, record yourself for teacher feedback.

*When you are ready, sign up for a date to present your research to the class. A few students will present each day for part of the class time. Make sure to upload your PPT file to Canvas Modules before your presentation.

Step 5: (October 31, November 2, 7, 9) Present your research in class.

Potential Topics


Cultural Traditions:

Sources from UNHM Library

World Culture Encyclopedia - Contains articles on the customs and cultures of different countries and ethnic groups.

CultureGrams -

Encyclopedia of urban cultures : cities and cultures around the world -
The Statesman's Yearbook -
The folklore of world holidays -

Pop culture Latin America! : media, arts, and lifestyle -