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UMNA 005- Program for ESOL Students (UNH Manchester): Science & Technology Research Project

Science & Technology Research Project

Recommended Sources: To ensure the credibility and richness of your research, consider these sources:

  • Technology News Websites: Consider sources like:
    • Wired: a trusted source for technology news, providing in-depth coverage of the latest developments in tech, science, and digital culture.
    • Ars Technica: offers detailed articles and analysis on science, technology, and the tech industry, catering to tech enthusiasts.
    • TechCrunch: a prominent technology news website that covers tech news and startup stories, offering insights into the business side of technology.
  • Science Magazines: Browse magazines such as:
    • Science News: presents science topics in an accessible way, suitable for a broad audience interested in scientific discoveries.
    • MIT News: focuses on research and innovations from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT).
    • BBC Science Focus: offers engaging articles on various scientific topics, making science informative and captivating.
    • Scientific American: a renowned science magazine known for in-depth articles and research reports, covering a wide spectrum of scientific disciplines.
    • National Geographic: provides articles on science, nature, and exploration, offering a holistic view of the natural world.
    • Discover Magazine: features articles on science, technology, and the natural world, catering to curious minds.
    • Live Science: offers news and articles on a variety of scientific topics, making science accessible to all.
    • a science news website covering a wide range of scientific disciplines and research findings.
    • ScienceDaily: provides summaries of the latest scientific research findings, making complex topics digestible.
    • New Scientist: offers articles and news on various scientific topics, keeping readers updated on the latest discoveries.
    • focuses on space science, astronomy, and space exploration, providing insights into the cosmos and beyond.
  • Government Websites: Visit official government sites such as NASA and the Department of Energy.

  • Interviews and Expert Opinions: Seek interviews with experts in the field.

Make sure you think carefully about whether a source is trustworthy and useful. If you're not sure about a source, ask your teacher or the librarian for help. Use PROVEN to evaluate sources for credibility and relevance.

By following these steps and utilizing these resources, you'll be well-prepared to deliver an engaging and informative presentation on your chosen scientific or technological invention. Good luck with your research!