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HMP 403 Introduction to Public Health: Statistical Resources
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Comprehensive access to statistical information from federal agencies, research organizations, international organizations, commercial publishers and associations. Provides abstracts of statistical publications and links to the full-text for selected publications.
Health Statistics & Data Management (NH DHHS)
Collects, stores, analyzes and disseminates NH health-related data, including birth, death, hospital, cancer and behavioral risk factor surveillance information.
A web-based data analysis system that produces reports about common community health indicators.
National Center for Health Statistics
The nation's principal health statistics agency.
A project of the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, designed to provide free, up-to-date, and easy-to-use health data on all 50 states on more than 500 health topics.
Quick Health Data Online
Previously known as the National Women's Health Indicator Database. Provides state- and county-level data. Data are available by gender, race and ethnicity and come from a variety of national and state sources.
US Statistics
Directory of Health and Human Services Data Resources
Contains all surveys, studys, and data collection initiatives of the DHHS
CDC National Center for Health Statistics
Provides statistical information that will guide actions and policies to improve health
Online database for the analysis of public health data
US Census Bureau on Disability
The Census Bureau collects data on disability primarily through the American Community Survey (ACS) and the Survey of Income and Program Participation (SIPP)
CDC Data and Statistics
Provides a wide array of data and statistics by topic
Vital Statistics of the United States
Annual reports that present detailed vital statistics data, including natality, mortality, marriage and divorce
National Vital Statistics Reports
National Vital Statistics Reports (NVSR) are regular issues from the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS) that cover provisional birth, death, marriage, and divorce statistics
Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report
Provides weekly updates on death and death rates
National Vital Statistics System
Includes statistics on births, deaths, marriage, divorce, life expectancy, and more
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)
State Health Facts
Browse health data by state and topic
Healthy People 2023
International Statistics
WHO Global Health Observatory
WHO provides global health data including country profiles and references to other relevant publications and data sources
Global Health Data Exchange (GHDx)
A global and comprehensive catalog of surveys, censuses, vital statistics, and other health-related data
The Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Program
Data on population, health, HIV, and nutrition through more than 400 surveys in over 90 countries
WHO Europe Portal to Health Statistics
Links to a variety of tools for health statistics and to detailed monitoring and assessment tools for key areas of health policy
UN Health and Disability Statistics
The United Nations Statistics Division collects, compiles and disseminates official national statistics on births, deaths and life expectancy through the Demographic Yearbook data collection system
World Bank Health, Nutrition, and Population Dashboard
Over 250 indicators on topics such as health financing and the health workforce; immunization and the incidence of HIV and AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis, non-communicable diseases and the causes of death; nutrition, clean water and sanitation, and reproductive health; as well as population estimates and population projections
IPUMS-DHS contains thousands of consistently coded variables on the health and well-being of women, children, births, men, and on all members of randomly selected households, for 32 African countries and 9 Asian countries
New Hampshire Statistics
New Hampshire Public Health Association
Includes links to local government agencies, state legislative resources, and local public health organizations.
New Hampshire State Data Sources
Includes links to data about COVID-19 and public health tracking
Local health and social services data portal that provides details at the state, county, and town level.
New Hampshire Rural Health Information
Includes data about social determinants of health, and access to health clinics and hospitals
UNH Institute on Disability Data Briefs
New Hampshire Health Statistics
CDC statistics
Hospitals and Healthcare Personnel
American Hospital Directory
The American Hospital Directory® provides data, statistics, and analytics about more than 7,000 hospitals nationwide
Fast Facts on U.S. Hospitals, 2021
The American Hospital Association conducts an annual survey of hospitals in the United States
Home Care & Hospice Facts & Stats
NAHC’s research department provides homecare and hospice data to its members and the public
National Hospital Discharge Survey
Physician Appointment Wait Times and Medicaid and Medicare Acceptance Rates
The private research firm Merritt Hawkins & Associates conducted a large survey of major metropolitan areas and wait times for different specialties and their Medicaid/Medicare acceptance rates.
Medical Expenditure and Health Insurance
Medical Expenditure Panel Survey
Contains a set of large-scale surveys of families and individuals, their medical providers, and employers across the United States. MEPS is the most complete source of data on the cost and use of health care and health insurance coverage
Dartmouth Atlas of Health Care
Uses Medicare and Medicaid data to provide information and analysis about national, regional, and local markets, as well as hospitals and their affiliated physicians
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
CMS research and statistics
Mapping Medicare Disparities
Interactive tool contains health outcome measures for disease prevalence, costs, hospitalization for 60 specific chronic conditions, emergency department utilization, readmissions rates, mortality, preventable hospitalizations, and preventive services
Produced by the Kaiser Family Foundation. Includes data on topics related to the uninsured
State of Health Care Quality
A look at health plans’ collective improvement over time
CMS Medicare Enrollment Dashboard
The interactive Medicare Enrollment Dashboard provides information on the number of Medicare beneficiaries with hospital/medical coverage and prescription drug coverage
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project
Provides health care statistics and information for hospital inpatient, emergency department, and ambulatory settings, as well as population-based health care data on counties
National Hospital Discharge Survey
Reports, data, and fact sheets about hospital discharges in the US
Ambulatory Health Care Data
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