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FIRE - First-Year Innovation and Research Experience 2024-25: Advanced Searching

Beyond the Basics of Searching

The search box looks through many of the library databases to help you locate what you need, but doesn't find everything.

Here are some additional resources that may be helpful for more advanced searching.

Each of these tools has specialized information about business, current topics, statistics, etc. Some of them give charts or graphs, some of them have reports, and some are in other formats. There is a wide range of information available for your research experience. 


Keyword & Subject Searching

Keyword Searching

  • word(s) you choose are searched anywhere in the database record describing the article or item
  • flexible but can miss useful items if your terms are not included in relevant records
  • may return many irrelevant results since search terms can appear anywhere in record

Subject searching

  • use word(s) or term(s) designated as subjects or descriptors in that particular database that describe the content of the article
  • a precise way of searching a database and usually retrieves the most relevant results
  • less flexible since you need to know the correct subject terms for that database

To find subjects or descriptors:

  • check these fields in the most relevant records you find through keyword searching
  • look for a subjects list or thesaurus in the database you are using

Specialized Business Research Resources

Quick Links to Business News (select titles)

Other Resources