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Journalism (UNH Durham)

Keyword Searching

Keyword Searching

  • Break your research question into keywords - parts or subtopics of the question
    • e.g., How does climate change affect maple syrup production?
    • Keywords: climate change, maple syrup
  • Combine your keywords using AND, OR, NOT
    • Climate change OR global warming
    • Climate change AND maple syrup
  • You can add multiple combinations of and separate them using parentheses
    • (Climate change OR global warming OR greenhouse effect) AND maple syrup
  • To search an exact phrase, put it in quotations
    • "exercise science"
  • To search multiple forms of a word, use an asterisk * for truncation
    • Photo* - will return results including: photo, photos, photograph, photography, photographer
  • Keywords are searched from anywhere in the item's record including the title, the description and the article itself