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Political Science (UNH Durham)


To search for books on foreign relations and foreign policy between two countries, use the Advanced Search below the library search box. Select Library Catalog, change "any field" to "subject" and enter [name of country] foreign relations [name of country].

Catalog Advanced Search - China Foreign Relations Japan

You can filter results by "held by library" for print books or "available online" and by date of publication.

For books on a country's foreign policy in general, just search '[name of country] foreign relations' (no quotes) in the subject field.

Other useful subject headings or keywords that you can use with names of countries include

  • economic conditions
  • economic relations
  • economic policy
  • history 21st century
  • history 20th century
  • commerce
  • trade
  • politics and government

A broader geographic subject relevant to this course is Pacific Area.

Recommended Databases for Articles

For more online resources, check out the complete Database List.

Grey Literature Resources

Other strategies to help identify grey literature include:

  • check lists of references in books or articles
  • search online - for example, limit Google searches to organization sites by including '' (no quotes) in the search; use '' for government sites. Add keywords for your topic.
  • identify likely producers of grey literature (think tanks, government agencies, NGOs, etc.)
    • Look for Resources, Publications, Reports, Data or similar categories on agency or organization websites
  • identify experts in the topic and check their CVs for their publications, reports, conference talks, etc.

If you're not familiar with the think tank, IGO, NGO, etc., it's useful to review the About Us section of their website and look for other views about the organization in order to place their work in context and better evaluate the authority and credibility of their work.

Selected Sources of Primary Materials

The following are compilations of translated primary sources.
Some are temporarily available online. Use the HathiTrust link in the catalog record and then sign in to HathiTrust (upper right corner) to get temporary full-text access by clicking on check out. The check out is for one hour but will automatically renew if no one else is trying to use the book.