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Spring 2025 Library Resources & Assistance (UNH Manchester): Library Community Standards

UNH Manchester Library Community Standards

 Library Community Standards

The UNH Manchester Library provides shared spaces designed to support the academic mission of the University of New Hampshire by providing expertise and resources in a safe, welcoming, and respectful environment that is conducive to research and study. While the UNH Library is open to members of the public, library spaces are primarily designed to support the research, scholarship, and study needs of UNH students and employees. To achieve this purpose, certain standards of behavior are expected of all library patrons in order to foster an environment of civility and respect.

  • Freedom from Harassment
    In order to protect the inclusivity and safety of our spaces, individuals who use the UNH Library will not engage in harassing behavior.  Harassment is “behavior that occurs in person, in writing, or in electronic and social media that unjustly, substantially, unreasonably, and/or consistently interferes with an individual’s work, academic, or residential environment” (University of New Hampshire Student Rights, Rules and Responsibilities, page 4)

  • Environment Conducive to Research and Study
    The UNH Library has variety of spaces available for individual, quiet, or collaborative work.  Posted quiet study areas are not meant for conversation or cell phone use. Collaborative work is acceptable in all other areas. Library users should be considerate of those around them by respecting occupancy limits), quiet spaces (move to another location if your work is disturbing others), cleaning up your work space (removing trash) not blocking aisles or doorways, and not leaving your belongings unattended.

  • Acceptable Use of IT Resources

The UNH Acceptable Use Policy  (AUP) provides guidelines for the acceptable use of the University's IT resources. The purpose of the AUP is to ensure that the information technology infrastructure promotes the basic missions of the University in teaching, research, administration, and service. Patrons may be asked to review and confirm an understanding of the AUP before accessing UNH IT resources.

  • Copyright

The UNH Library Copyright Policy provides guidelines for the acceptable use of University resources in accordance with the Copyright Law of the U.S. (Title 17 of the U.S. Code).

  • Animals
    Animals are not permitted in UNH Libraries with the following exceptions: (1) Service animals as defined under the Americans with Disabilities Act, which are trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability and (2) emotional support animals,
      only if prior approval for library entry is granted by the Student Accessibility Services (for students) or the Affirmative Action and Equity Office (for employees) as a reasonable work or academic accommodation. Animals must be under the control of the owner or handler at all times and may be removed if the animal is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it.     

  • Smoking/Vaping/Juuling/Chewing Tobacco
    The use of tobacco products, e-cigarettes or smoking of any kind is not allowed in the library.

  • Library Materials
    Library users are responsible for the materials they use and can help ensure they are available for future generations by not defacing or damaging items by underlining, highlighting, writing on, creasing, or removing pages.

Thank you for your efforts to maintain a shared safe and welcoming environment in the Library.  UNH library personnel established this statement of community standards to ensure the safety, security, and comfort of everyone using library space and resources.

Revised August 2022