Consider Whether Library Resources Might Serve Your Needs
While they are largely subject to full copyright rights and restrictions, all resources available via the GSC Digital Library are free for use by the GSC Community. This means that the library can be a valuable tool for identifying resources for your classes. There several benefits to using library resources in course content:
They are quality resources - we have millions of peer-reviewed articles
They have permalinks - the link will remain the same
Resources are ADA compliant
The resources available are in a wide spectrum of types, from e-books, to articles, to primary source materials
It saves students money- if you find an e-book for use in your classes, students do not have to buy the book. Additionally, students have unlimited use of our e-books, and need no special software to access
Finding resources the GSC Digital Library saves you time - our discovery services provides a robust search engine that provides access to resources from a very broad group of the best sources in many different disciplines
The discovery service provides search limiters can be used to target and sort your search results