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Occupational Therapy: Web Resources
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"MedlinePlus is the National Institutes of Health's Web site for patients and their families and friends. Produced by the National Library of Medicine, the world’s largest medical library, it brings you information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in language you can understand. MedlinePlus offers reliable, up-to-date health information, anytime, anywhere, for free."
National Guideline Clearinghouse
"AHRQ's National Guideline Clearinghouse is a public resource for summaries of evidence-based clinical practice guidelines."
"OTPlan helps you find activity ideas for pediatric occupational therapy by skills to promote."
"OTseeker provides fast and easy access to information from a wide range of sources to inform occupational therapy."
"PEDro is a free database of over 34,000 randomised trials, systematic reviews and clinical practice guidelines in physiotherapy. For each trial, review or guideline, PEDro provides the citation details, the abstract and a link to the full text, where possible. All trials on PEDro are independently assessed for quality."
Trip Database
"Trip is a clinical search engine designed to allow users to quickly and easily find and use high-quality research evidence to support their practice and/or care."
"REHABDATA, produced by the National Rehabilitation Information Center, is the leading literature database on disability and rehabilitation. The database describes over 80,000 documents covering physical, mental, and psychiatric disabilities, independent living, vocational rehabilitation, special education, assistive technology, law, employment, and other issues as they relate to people with disabilities."
Rehabilitation Measures Database
"The Rehabilitation Measures Database ( was developed to help clinicians and researchers identify reliable and valid instruments used to assess patient outcomes during all phases of rehabilitation. The database provides evidence-based summaries that include concise descriptions of each instrument’s psychometric properties, instructions for administering and scoring each assessment as well as a representative bibliography with citations linked to PubMed abstracts."
Occupational Therapy Organization and Association Websites
The American Occupation Therapy Foundation
The American Occupational Therapy Association
World Federation of Occupational Therapists
Models of Occupational Therapy
Kawa Model
"MOHO Web is a confidential online resource for occupational therapy practitioners, educators, students, and researchers. Here you may access and use all of the MOHO assessments and interventions that are supported for distribution through the University of Illinois at Chicago."
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