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Chemistry 409 - Chemistry & Society (UNH Durham)

This guide provides an outline, with links, of selected elements of our Feb. 27 class, "Your cell phone and you: finding and evaluating scientific information."

What were we thinking of??

How is searching for information related to riding a bicycle???

    Connections, ideas, habits, perspectives...

Information search is a filter in a frame.  Or, a shopper in a store.

--You choose the frame, which provides a limit to the universe of possible results

--You may be aware of the filter, which is the way you think about the search strategy and select results.


Here is the first page of Google Australia results for a search on my laptop, cell phone radiation

Here is the first page of the (U.S.) response

[Did anyone look at more than 1 page?]

What was different about or PubMedCentral?

Did anyone use Google Scholar?

Access Hint: If you have trouble getting to an online article, here is a quick way to see if the UNH Library has a subscription. See if the article has a DOI (digital object identifier); that is a kind of ID number that can be assigned to anything online.  A DOI usually starts with 10. and looks like this: doi: 10.1155/2015/869895, If your article has one, go to the UNH Library Citation Linker form, paste in the DOI and hit LOOK UP.  You can also use this form with other parts of an article citation. 

Q:  Why does the library subscribe to  Databases  if Google and other free search engines offer so much?

Sphere of legitimate controversy diagram

Search strategies affect your results!  - includes where you search and what you search for

 Words (or other inputs) and how you combine them:

cell phone radiation

non-ionizing radiation and human health

So, try something new!

Ways to combine words or search terms:

AND  (this narrows a search; Google assumes AND but not all search engines do!)

OR    (useful to broaden a search, e.g., mobile OR cell)   

NOT (Google uses a minus sign: -   e.g., cell NOT membrane,  cell -membrane )

"make this a phrase"

* is a wildcard in some search engines (e. g., communicat*)

? can replace one or more characters (e. g., wom?n)

Hint:  Google and Google Scholar have many advanced features if you look.