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ENGL 602/ET 625 - Technical Communications (UNH Manchester): Interlibrary Loan (ILL)

What is Interlibrary Loan or ILL?

Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a free service that enables currently enrolled UNH College of Professional Studies students, staff, and faculty to request articles, books, and other material from other libraries. Articles are typically delivered electronically, while books and other materials are circulated from the Learning Commons Help Desk.

ILL Policy


Currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of UNH College of Professional Studies are eligible to use this service. A current ID card and a library record in good standing are mandatory. Anyone having overdue library or interlibrary loan books, or whose record is otherwise blocked, will not be eligible until the record is cleared.

Material Types

Books, films, and journal articles are the most commonly requested interlibrary loan materials.

The following types of materials can be difficult to obtain through ILL:

Archival Materials

Rare or valuable materials

Reference books

Reserve materials

Whole issues of periodicals




  • Interlibrary loan services do not meet student needs for ordering textbooks.
    • Most libraries do not purchase textbooks.
      Most libraries do not purchase textbooks for their collections. If a library does purchase a textbook for its collection, the textbook is often placed on restricted course reserve for use by their students.
    • Interlibrary loan books take 1-2 weeks to arrive.
      Because so few libraries own textbooks, we often have to request textbooks from out-of-state libraries. The process of requesting, shipping, and receiving the textbooks takes 1-2 weeks.
    • Students can only keep interlibrary loan textbooks for two to four weeks.
      Loan periods set by lending libraries do not allow students to keep a textbook for an entire course.



Loan Periods

The loan period for books and other returnable material is determined by the lending library.


The UNH Manchester Library adheres to the U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, United States Code, Sections 107 and 108), the American Library Association’s Interlibrary Loan Code and CONTU Guidelines.


Interlibrary Loan - Request Form

If UNH does not own or have access to a needed resource, do not hesitate to request it by using this form.


How long will it take for my requested items to arrive?

  • Articles typically arrive in less than 24 hours, delivered to your email
  • Books and media arrive in 2-14 days. You will receive an email when your item arrives

How many items can I request?

  • As many as you need

How long will I be able to keep a book?

  • The lending library determines the loan period. Loan periods range from 4-16 weeks

Can I renew a book?

  • Maybe. The lending library must grant a renewal. Request renewal here


Information for Borrowing Libraries

Libraries wishing to borrow materials from the UNH Manchester Library can submit requests via email to Please include library and item details.