Books are good places to acquire in-depth information on a topic.
Remember: you won't necessarily be reading a book from cover to cover.
Monographs ("single - writing") are books dedicated to one subject.
The UNH Library search box provides one-stop searching for books and e-books; articles in newspapers, journals, and magazines; and video and audio
Select the Library Catalog scope to limit to books, e-books, government publications, and videos located at the UNH Library.
Classics and Italian materials are in the P section as detailed below. These books are located on Level 4 of Dimond Library.
Common call number ranges
Greek Language and Literature: PA 201 - 5660
Latin Language and Literature: PA 6000 - 6961
Italian Language: PC1001 - 1977
Italian Literature: PQ4001 - 4199.5
Books in the Library are arranged by subject, so browse for related books next to the title you are looking for.
Humanities is a multidisciplinary subject, so useful books will be found here and in other call number ranges as well.