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Advertisements in Popular Magazines - Print Holdings

These are popular magazines for which we have print holdings for some or all of 1920-1979.

For some titles, we also have microform holdings for certain years. These holdings haven't been listed in this guide because microfilm or microfiche are usually black-and-white reproductions and color may be an aspect of your analysis.

Review issues to locate possible advertisements for analysis. Select more than one so you have some flexibility when completing the assignment.

Note the information you'll need to create the citation for the advertisement. Ads won't have authors listed so the ad title will be the initial element in the citation.

  • Title for the advertisement
  • Date of magazine issue
  • Name of magazine
  • Volume and/or issue numbers (if possible)
  • Page number(s) (if possible)

Example of citation in APA style:

Example of advertisement citation in APA style

Advertisements - Some Online Resources

Advertisements in Newspapers

Two strategies for looking for ads in some of our historical digitized newspapers (using the links below):

To search:

  • On the Advanced Search page, limit "Document Type" to [Display Ad] at the bottom of the page. Specific a publication date or range of dates. Select a word you think may be in the advertisement. This will be somewhat hit or miss; for example, a search for display ads for automobiles in the NY Times will return "Automobile Exchange," which is for people looking to buy used or rebuilt autos. Using a product name or manufacturer name will probably get your more relevant results.

To browse:

  • From the Advanced Search page, click on the three horizontal bars in the upper left and choose Publications. Choose the link for the range of years you're interested in. This will take you to a page where you can select specific issue(s) to browse through. Click on the first result, then on the right side of the page, choose Browse this issue under Other formats.