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CPS Online Graduate Studies Research Paper (UNH Manchester Library): Purpose of this Guide

About This Guide

This guide is intended to help students develop a research proposal, organize and write a quality research paper for classes taught in the  graduate programs..  Note that, if you have specific questions about a research assignment, you should  seek advice from your instructor before you begin. Requirements set forth by your instructor will always supersede instructions provided in these general guidelines.

When you begin to do research on your topic the UNH Manchester library is here to help you. Please do not hesitate to call, e-mail, or text us.


Before You Begin

Make a Schedule

If your professor has not already created intermediary deadlines for completing the assignment, then drafting a schedule and noting deadlines on your personal calendar should be your first step. Drawing from key dates in your class syllabus as well as your own sense of how much time you need to think about, research, organize, and write a paper, note key dates in your calendar when tasks should be completed. A helpful strategy is to work backwards from when the final paper due.

Choose specific dates of important steps along the way but focus on setting realistic goals, and then stick to them! Make sure to give yourself enough time to find out what resources are available to you [including meeting with a librarian, if needed], to choose a research problem to investigate, to select and read relevant research literature, to outline your paper, to organize the information you are going to cite in your paper, and to write your first and final drafts [as well as any necessary drafts in between]. Developing a personal assignment calendar will also help you manage your time in relation to work assigned in other classes.

Analyze the Assignment

Carefully analyze the assignment to determine what you are specifically being asked to do. Look for key terms, topics, subject areas, and/or issues that can help you develop a research problem that interests you. Be sure that you understand the type of paper you are being asked to write. Research papers discuss a topic in depth and cite to credible sources that contain evidence that supports your  particular perspective. However, there are many different ways this process can be achieved.

The way in which your professor may ask you to frame your analysis can include any of the following approaches:

  • Case study approach -- explain the implications and unique characteristics of a complex research problem using a single bounded unit of analysis that illuminates key issues about the problem [e.g., an organization, behavior of doctors in an emergency room, a supreme court ruling, an event].
  • Comparison approach -- compare and contrast two ideas, constructs, or tangible things with one another.
  • Definition approach -- discuss in depth the cultural and associative meanings of, for example, a political theory, a policy proposal, or a controversial practice.
  • Descriptive approach -- choose a subject that you know well and help others to understand it.
  • Evaluative approach -- assess a theoretical concept, issue, person, place, or thing in a critical way.
  • Exploratory approach -- pursue a specific line of inquiry, often with the purpose of making recommendations for further research or to advocate and provide evidence for specific actions to be taken.
  • Interpretive approach -- apply the theoretical knowledge gained in your coursework to a particular research problem, such as, a business situation in a management course or a psychological case profile.
  • Narrative approach -- write from an experiential point of view, usually your own and written in the first person.
  • Persuasive approach -- take a position in a scholarly debate and give the reader reasons based on evidence why they should agree with your position.
  • Policy memorandum approach -- write short factual sentences devoid of emotion that summarize a situation to date, identify the main issue of concern, provide a breakdown of the elements of this main issue, and then recommend how to address the issue based on research about the topic.

NOTE:  If for any reason you are unclear or confused about any aspect of the assignment, request clarification from your instructor as soon as possible. GSC Faculty pride themselves on their  accessibility to students. Take advantage of this. Be proactive the excuse that, "I didn't understand the assignment" is never acceptable.

Ballenger, Bruce P. The Curious Researcher: A Guide to Writing Research Papers. 7th edition. Boston, MA: Pearson, 2012. Composing Processes: Planning and Organizing. Writing@CSU. Colorado State University; Invention: Starting the Writing Process. The Writing Lab and The OWL. Purdue University; Invention: Overview of the Writing Process. The Reading/Writing Center. Hunter College; Lester, James D. Writing Research Papers: A Complete Guide. 15th edition. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson, 2015; Rosenblatt, Paul C. Restarting Stalled Research. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2016; Williams, Joseph M. and Lawrence McEnerney. Writing in College 2: Preparing to Write and Drafting the Paper. Writing Program, The University of Chicago; Prewriting Strategies. Writing Center. University of Kansas; Prewriting Techniques. Hawley Academic Resource and Advising Center. Simpson College.

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