The American Sociological Association Style Guide sets the standard for the format of scholarly publications. ASA style (as it is known) is used by researchers and students in sociology. Citations using ASA style allow readers to locate the materials used in your research. Therefore, your citations should be as accurate and complete as possible.
For examples of how to cite various sources, look at some of the sites listed in the ASA Style Resources box on this page.
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Useful sites that describe how to conduct a literature review.
Plagiarism is a very serious academic transgression. Copyright law, and exceptions such as fair use, can be complex. To learn more, check out the following resources:
Makes you an informed researcher/applicant
Provides perspective by situating your work within the knowledge base (theory & practice) of your field
Supports your research idea/proposal or identifies a gap needing further research
Provides ideas for research design; for example, quantitative or qualitative approaches or instruments to use
Provides credibility to grant proposals