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Sociology (UNH Durham)

Information on library resources, services, and more to get you started on researching sociology topics

ASA Style Guide


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  • Do you want ZoteroBib? It's a quick, easy way to create the occasional bibliography, without creating an account. FAQs
  • Or the full version of Zotero that can help you archive and curate sources over a period of time?

Download and install:

  1. Go to and click Download now.
  2. Download Zotero 6 for your operating systems AND the Zotero Connector for the browser you use.

Literature Reviews

Useful sites that describe how to conduct a literature review.

Plagiarism, Copyright, and Fair Use

Plagiarism is a very serious academic transgression. Copyright law, and exceptions such as fair use, can be complex. To learn more, check out the following resources:

What a Literature Review Does

Makes you an informed researcher/applicant

Provides perspective by situating your work within the knowledge base (theory & practice) of your field

Supports your research idea/proposal or identifies a gap needing further research

Provides ideas for research design; for example, quantitative or qualitative approaches or instruments to use

Provides credibility to grant proposals