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LGBTQIA+ Resources: Gender Identity Awareness Week at UNH

Gender Identity Awareness Week

GIA is a week of events dedicated to promoting an understanding of transgender, transsexual and gender queer issues at UNH and beyond. Started in 2010 and principally sponsored by Transgender-UNH, the week features film screenings, workshops, speakers, open mikes, and other events to bring together UNH students, faculty, and staff and community members to have substantive discussions about gender identity/expression, gender diversity, social justice and cultural transformation. In addition to fostering dialogue and providing education, GIA hopes to stimulate positive changes on campus and in the community, promote activism and provide fun and social opportunities for Trans and allied people. All are welcome and all events are free and open to the public.


A Guide to Gender Identities & Terms

A Guide to Gender Identities & Terms on pale pink and light blue

A Guide to Gender Identities & Terms

Slides with information on gender identities and terms, credited to the Aulbani J Beauregard Center for Equity, Justice, and Freedom

text based image on pale pink that says

Sex Assigned at Birth

Refers to the sex that one is assigned at birth based on the appearance of their external anatomy. Sex is typically categorized as male, female or intersex, and refers to a combination of bodily characteristics including chromosomes, hormones, internal and external reproductive organs, etc.

text based image on pale pink that says

Gender Identity

Refers to on's internal and deeply held sense of their gender, which may or may not correspond with their sex assigned at birth. Gender identity isn't determined by assigned sex and often develops/changes over time.

text based image on pale pink that says

Gender Expression

Refers to how one presents gender outwardly through their behavior, appearance (clothing, hair, etc) speech, etc, which may or may not be consistent with socially defined behaviors and characteristics associated with being masculine or feminine and may or may not reflect your gender identity.

text based image on pale pink that says

Some Things to Keep in Mind

  • How a person appears in terms of gender expression doesn't indicate anything about what their gender identity is
  • Gender identity and gender expression both exist on a spectrum (meaning they are not binary and differ person to person)
  • Gender identity is different from sexual orientation

text based image on pale pink that says


Refers to someone whose gender identity aligns with those typically associated with the sex assigned to them at birth.

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An umbrella term for people whose gender identity differs from those typically associated with the sex assigned to them at birth. People under the trans umbrella can describe themselves using a variety of terms, including transgender.

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Refers to someone who does not describe themselves or their genders as fitting into the gender binary (man or woman). Non-binary individuals may experience gender in a variety of ways such as a combination of both man and woman, neither man or woman, or something else entirely.

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Please note that this is not a complete or comprehensive list of all gender identities and terms relating to gender identity and gender expression. There are countless gender identities and definitions of each differ from person to person. 

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For More Information