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Mentoring Guide: Resources for Mentees

On the following pages you will find resources for mentors, mentees, and institutional leaders that are helpful for creating a better mentoring environment, learn why good mentoring is important, and how to become a better mentor and a mentee.

The resources on this page are organized in three categories:

Self-guided education: This category includes resources such as webinars, workshops, courses, podcasts, guides and tools that are designed to help you learn more about mentoring and become a better mentor and/or a mentee.

Trainings & Platforms: These include formal trainings provided by organizations or individuals who specialize in mentoring. These are usually paid resources, or they may be provided through an institutional subscription. 

Articles: These include a collection of useful articles (research and opinion pieces) offering advice on mentorship. 

Self-Guided Education: guides/tools/workshops/webinars/courses

  • Mutual Mentoring Guide- this guide describes an innovative, faculty-driven, and flexible model of “Mutual Mentoring” that encourages faculty at all stages of the academic career to think differently about how they approach and engage in mentoring relationships.
  • The Mentor mentee relationship- guidelines and tips describing the mentor-mentee relationship.
  • Best Practices for Mentors and Mentees in Academic Settings - The “best” mentoring happens when mentors and mentees are prepared, and strong relationships develop.
  • Mentoring resources for scientiststhis online resource for scientist mentors and their mentees is a mix of relevant articles from Nature Careers, profiles of Nature's annual Mentoring in Science award winners, and relevant blog posts from Naturejobs' global community of scientists working across academic, industry, and other sectors.
  • IDPs (individual Development Plans) - The individual development plan (IDP) is a tool that helps in planning short- and long-term career objectives, and identifying professional development activities needed to reach them.
  • Build your research community course - In this free course, scientists from different backgrounds give concrete steps to building a mentoring network so you can be a more confident researcher and feel supported by your graduate school research community.
  • The Trainee Podcast: Build Your Research Community - In this podcast, a diverse set of scientists are interviewed about advanced mentor-mentee relationship topics, exploring concrete strategies and approaches to address common, but challenging, issues encountered with research mentors or Principal Investigators (PIs).
  • Great Mentoring in Graduate School Guide- This quick start guide for protégés is designed for graduate students, but also contains information that faculty members may find helpful when it comes to mentoring students. 

Trainings and Platforms

  • National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) - Provides researchers across all career stages with the evidence-based mentorship and professional development programming that emphasizes the benefits and challenges of diversity, inclusivity and culture.

  • Post-Doc Academy - a comprehensive online and in-person program built on the National Postdoctoral Association core competencies to support skill development throughout postdoc training, from orientation to next career step.  
  • CITI - the mentoring and healthy research environments module within the CITI platform offers resources and helpful advice on how to create a healthy mentoring environment.  *Type "University System of New Hampshire" to find UNH on the list of member institutions.