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ENGL 419--How to Read Anything (UNH Manchester): Evaluating Sources

This guide will help you with your research assignments for Dr. Susi Paterson's ENGL 419 class.

SIFT: The Four Moves

NewsWise (2018, June 29). Online verification skills — Video 1: Introductory video [Video file]. Retrieved from


NewsWise (2018, June 29). Online Verification Skills — Video 2: Investigate the source [Video file]. Retrieved from

NewsWise (2018, May 25). Online Verification Skills — Video 3: Find the original source [Video file]. Retrieved from

NewsWise (2018, May 25). Online Verification Skills — Video 4: Look for trusted work [Video file]. Retrieved from

SIFT Method

SIFT: exploring web sources graphic

Evaluation Tools