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Import Citations
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Zotero (UNH Manchester): Import Citations
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Import citations from a website
Open Zotero
Search a database or website using the browser for which you installed the connector.
On the results page, you will see an icon in your web browser's address bar or next to it, depending on which browser you are using.
Click the icon to add a citation or web page to your Zotero library.
A box will pop up in the bottom right corner to let you know where your items are being saved (in "My Library" or another folder you created).
Import PDFs from your computer
PDFs (and other files) can be dragged from your computer folders to your Zotero library.
Open Zotero and click on a Zotero folder.
Drag and drop a PDF into the middle (Title) Zotero panel.
Right click on it and select "Retrieve metadata for PDF." Metadata may be imported. If not, you can add it manually by right clicking and selecting "Create parent item".
Manually add an item
Click on the "Add new item" icon.
Chose the type of item, and type in the information.
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