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Zotero (UNH Durham)

Create a Zotero Profile

  1. Go to and click Login to create profile.
  2. In Zotero, go to Edit > Preferences> Sync tab to enter your user information.

Creating a profile allows you to:

  1. Back-up your collection on the Zotero server.
  2. View your library from different computers.
  3. Share your citations with a group. You can create a group using the Groups icon (Zotero groups icon) in Zotero.
  4. Save searches and add results to your personal library automatically. Right click on My Library in Zotero and select "New Saved Search." The search will create a folder and update it when new items are added to your library that match the search criteria. This is a useful way to see when someone in your group added a new item.