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Information Literacy @ UNH

Information Literacy Textbook - OER

Withers, Carol M. (2019). Information Literacy: Basic Research Skills. OER textbook:

Creative Commons licensed for CC-BY-NC-SA, this text can be used, supplemented, and remixed as long as attribution is given.

This is a basic, skills-based overview of information literacy. It is based on the Framework but doesn't use Framework language. It was written for a community college audience, but can be easily tailored to UNH and UNH resources.

Find more options for Information Literacy OER on the OER research guide:

Information Literacy Integration into the Curriculum

These articles, books, and reports address how information literacy can be integrated into classrooms, assignments, and curricula, and how librarians can successfully collaborate with faculty and administration.

Badke, W. (2010). Why information literacy is invisible. Communications in Information Literacy, 4(2), 129-141.

Available online at

A call to integrate information literacy more into the higher education curriculum; examines assumptions and gaps in understanding among faculty, students, librarians, and administrators.

Flaspohler, M. (2012). Engaging first-year students in meaningful library research: A practical guide for teaching faculty. Oxford: Chandos. Available as an ebook through the UNH Library.

Divided into three sections: background on Millennials and information literacy, information literacy in the context of the first year, and pragmatic pedagogical approaches, including building on the first year.

Jacobson, T.E., & Mackey, T.P. (Eds.). (2007). Information literacy collaborations that work. New York: Neal-Schuman. Available in print at the UNH Library (Dimond Level 2 ZA3075 .I533 2007)

The chapters in this book address three main areas: program-wide, discipline-wide, and technology-related faculty-librarian collaborations for information literacy.

Lombardo, S.V. & Miree, C.E. (2003). Caught in the Web: The impact of library instruction on business students' perceptions and use of print and online resources. College & Research Libraries, 64(1), 6-21. Retrieved from

Studies the impact of library instruction on business students’ use of print, online, and library database resources in their research.

Rockman, I., et al. (Eds.). (2004). Integrating information literacy into the higher education curriculum: practical models for transformation. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Available in print at the UNH Library (Dimond Level 2 ZA3075 .I57 2004).

Includes chapters on assessing student's information literacy competence, integrating information literacy into multiple disciplines, and developing information literacy skills through collaboration and online tools.

Shapiro, J. J., & Hughes, S. K. (1996). Information literacy as a liberal art. Educom Review, 31(2), 31. Electronic article available through the UNH Library.

"Seminal article" asserting that, as information becomes more accessible and omnipresent, "information literacy should in fact be conceived more broadly as a new liberal essential to the mental framework of the educated information-age citizen as the trivium of basic liberal arts (grammar, logic and rhetoric) was to the educated person in medieval society."

Weibe, T. J. (2016). The information literacy imperative in higher education. Liberal Education 101/102(4/1).  Available online from AAC&

"An education in information literacy aims to empower students to use critical inquiry skills wherever they are. Most of them, in four years, wil not be on a college or university campus. When taught as it should be, information literacy, like other 'meta' skills, becomes portable--a havit of mind that goes places."