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Theatre & Dance (UNH Durham)

Library resources for Theatre & Dance

Library resources for performances

When searching these video databases, you will need to be make sure that the video is a filmed live stage production, there are not many of this genre available, but there are some unique finds.

Alexander Street Press Collections - Provides academic streaming media across all disciplines restricted to UNH users.

To search

  1. Under My Collections, select My Institution's Content
  2. On the left menu, filter for
    • Disipline: Music & Performing Arts
    • Content Type: Performance

Kanopy - Provides streaming videos in diverse content areas restricted to UNH users. Some videos may need to be requested.

Titles of interest

To search

  1. Option 1: Use search box to search for keywords including: "musical theatre" or "Musicals"
  2. Option 2: Select Performing Arts under Browse and find the Threatre Performance category

Filmed Live Musical Theatre

Filmed Live Operas

Subscription Streaming Services

If you already have a subscription streaming service (such as Netflix, Hulu, Disney+, or Amazon Prime), you might have access to filmed live stage productions. 

If you already subscribe to Amazon Prime, you can sign-up for a free 7-day trial through Amazon Prime for Broadway HD. Here is a list of some of the musicals available through BroadwayHD. There are more to choose from, just be sure that they are live stage productions and not feature films or made-for-TV movies. Remember to cancel your free trial before you get charged the monthly fee!