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Art and Art History (UNH Durham)

Citation in Art and Architecture Papers

Citing art and architecture papers

The format used for art papers is usually either MLA or Chicago Manual of Style. For examples and explanations, below are some useful resources. 

Citing Works of Art and Images Online

Basic information you'll need:

• Artist’s name
• Title of the work
• Date it was created
• Repository, museum, or owner (in other words, where it is now located)
• City or country of origin
• Dimensions of the work
• Material or medium (oil on canvas, marble, found objects, etc.)

if you copied image in a book you'll need the books's information

If you found the image online, you will need an access date & the web site address


Online Citation Resources

Hard copies of the Chicago Manual, Turabian Manual for Writers, APA, MLA, and other style manuals are kept at the Research Center, Dimond Library, Level 3 (Main).

Chicago Manual of Style: An Overview

Using Zotero

What is Zotero? Zotero is a reference manager. It is designed to store, manage, and cite bibliographic references, such as books and articles. In Zotero, each of these references constitutes an item. More broadly, Zotero is a powerful tool for collecting and organizing research information and sources.

For help, visit our Zotero Guide .