A good selection of interactive Periodic Tables on the Web are listed below. A PDF copy of the Table can be found in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics - current edition is linked below.
The Chemistry Library has an excellent selection of both print and online resources to research chemical structure, physical & chemical property data, and reaction information on compounds.
Print Resources
CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics. Chemistry Library (Reserves and Reference area). QD65 .H3 (Latest edition = 100th, 2020-2021)
Merck Index. Chemistry Library (Reserves and Reference area), RS51 .M4 2006. (Latest edition = 15th, 2013)
Lange's Handbook of Chemistry. Chemistry Library Reserves, TP151 .H25. (Latest edition = 16th, 2005. "70th Anniversary Edition")
Dean's Handbook of Organic Chemistry. Chemistry Library Reference. QD251.3 .G65 2004. (Latest edition = 2nd, 2004).
Online Resources