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UNH Library home

Education (UNH Durham)

General guide to support programs in the Dept. of Education; also includes course pages

Video Collections

Examples of video collections include

Library Search Box

The UNH Library search box provides one-stop searching for books and e-books; articles in newspapers, journals, and magazines; and video and audio

Select the Library Catalog scope to limit to books, e-books, government publications, and videos located at the UNH Library.

Books & Media Worldwide (WorldCat)

Good for identifying books, reports, government publications, videos, etc.

Search in English or other languages.

Print or other tangible materials such as DVDs not owned by UNH may be requested through interlibrary loan

  • E-books generally cannot be borrowed from other libraries at this time, nor can streaming resources from other libraries

If Not at UNH

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