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Open Educational Resources: Biology

Open Educational Resources are teaching, learning, and research resources released under an open license that permits their free use and repurposing by others.



On this page you will find open access Biology textbooks along with supplemental materials. The purpose of these subject specific pages is to highlight content for those who are interested in what open educational resources are available. This list of content is by no means exhaustive.  The nature of open educational resources is very collaborative and we encourage comments about the content featured on this page, or recommendations of content that are not found here. 

Biology Textbooks


  • Microbiology - Much of the book is devoted to the structure/function relationships in pathogenic microorganisms and how these relationships are expressed in host-parasite interactions. The text also examines Microbial diseases of specific organ systems as well as host response mechanisms.
  • Lyme Disease - Lyme disease, or Lyme borreliosis, is an emerging infectious disease caused by bacteria belonging to the genus borrelia. Borrelia burgdorferi, in the strict sense. This book deals mostly with the molecular biology of the Lyme disease agent orrelia burgdorferi. 
  • Cell Biology - This book is a compilation of inspiring reviews/original studies, which are divided into sections: New Methods in Cell Biology, Molecular and Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms, and Cellular Basis of Disease and Therapy. 

Biology Collections

Biology Resources

Open Access Biology Journals

Scientific Research Publishing (SCIRP)