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AIP Conference Proceedings
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Reports findings presented at many of the most important scientific meetings around the world. Published proceedings are valuable as topical status reports providing quick access to information before it appears in the traditional journal literature. Dates of coverage: 1970-current
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An open access archive for scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.
Astrophysics Data System
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Digital library portal for researchers in astronomy and physics.
All abstracts and articles in the ADS are copyrighted and only personal use is permitted.
Google Scholar
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Provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. Search across many disciplines and sources: articles, theses, books, abstracts, and court opinions from academic publishers, professional societies, online repositories, universities, and other web sites.
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The world's leading resource for coverage of research literature in physics, including astronomy and astrophysics. Its other subject strengths are electrical engineering; control, and computing, including information technology. International journals and conference proceedings are covered, with selected indexing of books and reports. This resource allows searching by specialized fields. Dates of coverage: 1896-current
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Offers journal articles and book chapters in the disciplines of physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
Web of Science
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Facilitates research-level interdisciplinary search. Use the Basic Search to locate articles in high-impact scholarly journals in science, social science, arts, and humanities. Use the unique Cited Reference search for articles that cite an article you already know of, so you can track citations forward in time.
Selected Resources
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Engineering reference and teaching platform that delivers interdisciplinary engineering content integrated with analytical teaching and learning tools.
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A college-level encyclopedia of science and technology. Includes a science dictionary, an "In the News" section, and several features for undergraduate students: basic tables, study guides, and brief scientific biographies.
Mac Users:
Use Safari with this database. There have been access problems with Internet Explorer.
AIP Conference Proceedings
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Reports findings presented at many of the most important scientific meetings around the world. Published proceedings are valuable as topical status reports providing quick access to information before it appears in the traditional journal literature. Dates of coverage: 1970-current
Annual Reviews
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Offers comprehensive, timely collections of critical review articles written by leading scientists. Annual Reviews volumes are published each year for a variety of focused disciplines within the Biomedical, Physical, and Social Sciences. Dates of coverage: 2001-current
Applied Science & Technology Abstracts
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Articles from both trade and professional society journals, in applied science and technology; including aeronautics; applied, optical, and neural computing; applied mathematics; artificial intelligence; atmospheric sciences; construction; energy resources; food science; information technology; marine and space technology, robotics, and several engineering areas, including automotive, biomedical, chemical, civil, electrical, environmental, industrial, and mechanical. 1983-current
ARIBIB (ARI Bibliographical Database for Astronomical References)
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Major index for all areas of astronomy and astrophysics, covering the international research literature. Includes biographical and historical references to the field. Dates of coverage: Ancient era-2000
Book Citation Index - Science
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Enhances the discovery and analysis capabilities of Web of Science by incorporating comprehensive book citation data in the sciences. Dates of coverage: 2005-current
Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science
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This citation index covers conference literature in all scientific and technical fields, including: Agriculture, Biochemistry, Biology, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Engineering, Environmental Sciences, Medicine, and Physics. Dates of coverage: 1990-current
Current Chemical Reactions
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Is text- and substructure-searchable, and offers full graphical summaries, important reaction diagrams, and complete bibliographic information from organic chemistry journals. Dates of coverage: 1985-current
Data Citation Index
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Access an array of data across subjects and regions, providing a comprehensive picture of research output to understand data in context and maximize research efforts. Dates of coverage: 1900-current
Encyclopedia of Astronomy & Astrophysics
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Authoritative, encyclopedic coverage of astronomy and astrophysics, appropriate for college to post-graduate level. Includes articles by eminent scientists, with personalization options, current news updates, and links to selected Web sites. Published 2001, continuously updated
Encyclopedia of Physical Science and Technology
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A comprehensive resource on the science of the oceans. Includes contribution on the physical processes that drive the oceans as well as on ocean technology, law of the oceans, global programs, marine policy, the use of the oceans for food and energy, and the impact of pollution and climate changes. 3rd edition, 2001
Gale In Context: Science
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Provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. Drawing students in with captivating subject matter, Science showcases how scientific disciplines relate to real-world issues ranging from bacteria to obesity and weather.
Integrating millions of full-text articles that include national and global publications, 200+ science experiments, 300+ interactive simulations, other multimedia, and top reference content, Science is updated daily and offers over 600 pages on topics across the curriculum, covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more.
International Critical Tables of Numeric Data, Physics, Chemistry and Technology
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Offers data on physical, thermodynamic, mechanical, and other key properties and is a major reference source used by those involved in chemistry, physics, and engineering. Many tables have been "knovelized" to be interactive. The full text of the original print version is available in PDF format (full-text searchable), including the original index. All entries in the index are hyperlinked to their page numbers. 1st electronic edition, 2003
JoVE Science Education Library
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Is a video library dedicated to teaching scientific fundamentals through easy-to-understand video demonstrations.
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Comprehensive indexing with reviews of research articles on pure and applied mathematics, including some statistics. Covers journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports. May be searched by author, keyword, Mathematics Subject Classification, subject, and source publication, among others. Corresponds to printed Mathematical Reviews, and Current Mathematical Publications. Dates of coverage: 1800s-current
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
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Provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos.
Review of Particle Physics
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Is a full review of current knowledge in particle physics and includes data as well as textual information. Sections are: Summary Tables and Conservation Laws, including best values of measured properties of well-established particles; Reviews, Tables, Plots: covering the Standard Model, QCD, statistics, collider parameters, particle detectors, and cosmology; and Particle Listings, including evaluated data and brief reviews of aspects of many given particles. Updated every two years by members of the international Particle Data Group (PDG)
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Offers journal articles and book chapters in the disciplines of physical sciences and engineering, life sciences, health sciences, and social sciences and humanities.
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Note: Access is for current UNH students, faculty, and staff only.
A comprehensive discovery tool for chemical information. Indexes the literature of pure and applied chemistry and broadly related areas; searchable by text, such as author and research topic; plus chemical identifiers, structures, and reactions. Sources covered include journals, conference proceedings, patents, books, technical reports, and dissertations. Access also to CAS Analytical Methods and CAS formulas..
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Smithsonian Physical Tables
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Comprising tables concentrating on a broad scope of common physical and chemical data, the information provided is of general interest to scientists and engineers, and of particular interest to those involved with physics in its larger sense. 9th revised edition
Treatise on Geophysics
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A comprehensive summary of the present state of geophysics, dealing with all major parts of Solid-Earth Geophysics, including a volume on the terrestrial planets and moons in our solar system. Published 2007
IEEE Xplore
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A digital library providing full text access to the world's highest quality technical literature in electrical engineering, computer science, and electronics. It contains full text documents from IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, letters, conference proceedings, standards, and IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) Conferences. UNH no longer has access to IET Journals.
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Formerly Safari Tech Books Online, is an online learning platform providing access thousands of technical books online. Content emphasizes computer programming, software and apps (including mobile apps) including business aspects.
NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)
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Provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos.
SPIE Digital Library
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Provides access to technical papers on optics and photonics through SPIE Journals and Conference Proceedings.
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