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Tech 500 - Integrated CEPS Seminar I (UNH Durham): Get Started

Introduction to the UNH Library's locations, collections, and services for Prof. Pazicni's Tech 500 class.


As you transition to UNH, the libraries welcome you.  Don't wait to use the services and collections; jump right in! 

Being able to find accurate information effectively and efficiently supports the lifelong learning that we do professionally and in our personal lives. Libraries are here to help you on that path.  Assistance and resources are all around you.

In this guide, this front page has the basics while each tab offers ideas and tips for access to dofferent kinds of materials and services.  Whether you are on campus or at home, don't hesitate to contact us. My contact info is in the box to your right, and the other library links can take you virtually everywhere!

UNH Resources

Many of the online resources in this guide are available only to members of the University of New Hampshire community and visitors to campus.  Access is based on UNH Library subscriptions and in the Database List, these are labeled "UNH only."  As a UNH student, you can access these resources on or off-campus. 

When off-campus: start on the UNH Library website and click the desired resource.  Then, put in your UNH IT ID (like Blackboard) when prompted.  Or, you can opt to use the UNH Virtual Private Network (VPN) when off-campus.  Here are library instructions to install VPN on your own computer. These instructions and more are on the library Technical Support section (under Services). 

The UNH Library website & quick links


More about reserve materials:  not all reserves are for courses! 

For example, the four libraries on campus all have laptops that you can check out for four hours to use in the library (in addition to the desktop computers that are available for walk-up use). We have certain permanent-reserve books and even equipment, depending on the library, such as calculators, computer mice, headphones, and even a bicycle pump!  All reserve items are searchable in the UNH Library Catalog.

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Engineering & Physical Sciences Librarian

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CJ Wong
EMCS Library Office S236Q; Dimond Library Office 323G

Guides to Engineering Information

For an overview of information available for your field, there are books that list major sources by discipline.  One example is Using the Engineering Literature. This link goes to the UNH Library catalog, where you will see three copies listed (there are 1st and 2nd editions in print plus the e-book version of the 2nd ed.).  Chapters on each area of engineering describe sources of information from books and journals to professional organizations.