The Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire promotes awareness and appreciation of African American history and life in order to build more inclusive communities today.
With concerts, educational programs, exhibits from notable artists, an active book group, and valuable collections of African artifacts, the Seacoast African American Cultural Center (SAACC) has become the hub of activity to showcase the contributions of individuals of African descent in the seacoast community.
Seacoast NAACP - A Brief History
On January 1, 1958, the first branch of the NAACP in New Hampshire received its charter at People's Baptist Church in Portsmouth during the community's annual Emancipation Proclamation Celebration. This event occurred just a few weeks after passage of a U.S. Civil Rights Act created a commission to investigate discrimination and disfranchisement in the individual states. Meetings of the Portsmouth branch had been in members' homes, including the home of the founding president, Thomas Cobbs, a local businessman. During the 1960s, the membership had outgrown private homes so monthly meetings were moved to the Rockingham Hotel on State Street.
We the people protecting everyone's rights to liberty, justice, and equality in the Granite State.
The American Civil Liberties Union of New Hampshire (ACLU-NH) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan membership organization dedicated to preserving the individual rights and liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. ACLU-NH, founded in the 1920s by a small group of devoted civil libertarians, is one of 53 affiliates of the ACLU Nationwide. Today the National ACLU is comprised of more than 500,000 members.
The Endowment for Health is a statewide, private, nonprofit foundation dedicated to improving the health of New Hampshire's people, especially those who are vulnerable and underserved. We envision a culture that supports the physical, mental, and social wellbeing of all people -- through every stage of life.
Our purpose is to dismantle anti-Blackness, fight against racial injustices and end police brutality. This includes Strafford & Rockingham Counties of New Hampshire, Essex County of Massachusetts, and York County of Maine.
Nurture Black youth leadership
Support Black community through mutual aid projects (food drives, scholarships, etc.)
Promote Black-owned businesses
Demand an investment into education, social services, enhancing the health of black people and away from exploitative forces such as law enforcement, jail and prisons, that have harmed and criminalized the black community.