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Study Break Resources

Stress relieving activities and tools for your study breaks.

Check out these fun animal webcams from zoos, aquariums, and other animal organizations.

Giant panda eating leaves with words

Wolong Grove Panda Yard

Watch panda antics at the Shenshuping Gengda Panda Center in China's Wolong Valley Nature Reserve

3 picture tiles: cream colored cat with Cat Rescues in letters above, a drawing of a golden retriever in an Uncle Sam hat with the words Dog Bless You above, and a photo of a falcon with the word Nestflix above

Explore Webcams

Explore over 100 live webcams of kitten sanctuaries, service dog training, big cat rescues, bears in the wild...

Beluga whale seeming to kiss a woman with the words

Georgia Aquarium

Beluga whales, sea otters, gators, and piranha (eek!). For mesmerizing sealife try the Ocean Voyager cam.

Otter in water and eagle on other side of glass looking at each other with words

Monterey Bay Aquarium

Enjoy a calm kelp forest or fun sea otter cam, or see their YouTube channel for lofi hip hop on "Krill Waves Radio".

Polar bear swimming in the water with the words

San Diego Zoo

Penguins, koalas, baboons, giraffes, elephants and more. Fun fact: the polar bear is a fan favorite!

Hairy woodpecker, two blue jays and mourning dove on bird feeders with the words

Virtual Birdfeeding

View from the Treman Bird Feeding Garden at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in Ithaca, New York.

New England Animal Webcams

Peregrine Falcon

Local Peregrine Falcons

Live webcam installed by the NH Audubon Society of a peregrine falcon's nest in Manchester, NH. 

Giant Ocean Fish Tank from the New England Aquarium.

New England Aquarium

Check out the giant ocean tank at the New England Aquarium. It's 40 feet wide and holds 200,000 gallons of salt water! 

Image of a loon sitting on the water

NH Loon Preservation Society Loon Cam

Loon webcam in New Hampshire, live from early May through July.