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CPS Online Library Research Guide (UNH Manchester Library): Other Types of Research Assignments

Introduction to Other Types of Research Assignments


Not all research assignments involve using your academic library. In some cases government, medical, and general websites are more appropriate for finding information the information you need. While some of these sites will test your ability to Evaluate Information, they can aso lead to exactly the information you need. Following, are some of the most frequently sought information that may spend you outside of the GSC Discovery Service.

In this section you will find resources for:

How Do I Find Professional Organizations in My Field?

A Note About 'Professions'

This FAQ presents a more formal view of profession – that it is a vocation that involves a specialized undergraduate or graduate degree, credentials, and standards of practice maintained by a corresponding professional organization.   Examples of professions might include teacher, police officer, or nurse.

What is a Professional Organization?

All professional organizations share certain characteristics. They may accomplish this through 1 or more of the following activities:

  • They seek to further a particular profession through developing standards, guidelines, and assistance in understanding the field of study
  • They support and produce research in a field of study
  • They produce one or more journals that contain peer-reviewed articles about research topics
  • They may also publish related blogs, websites, solutions databases, and professional guides
  • They sponsor conferences and other professional development opportunities for their members
  • They are almost always non-profits, but may have a for-profit arm of the organization
  • Membership is almost always restricted to members of the profession, and requires dues. Some professional organizations have different levels of membership based on your relationship to the profession, examples: student member, vendor (those who sell products members might be interested in), and citizen supporters

Why is this Important?

If you are in college to attain credentials or enter a profession, such as teaching:

  • It is expected that you will keep up with the research in your field, this is the most consistent way to accomplish this. Consider setting up an Ebsco Journal Alert- this tool will automatically let you know when new issues of a journal in your field have been added to the collection.
  • You will learn much more about the standards and professional behaviors associated with the profession
  • Membership in a professional organization adds validity to your academic credentials and in some cases certifies you for specific activities within the profession
  • You can meet colleagues and mentors who may help you, or provide guidance on tough challenges
  • Through your membership dues you are supporting the profession you have chosen

How to Find Legitimate Professional Organizations

Look at Scholarly Journals in Your Field:

  • They are almost always published by a professional organization, They are almost always published by a professional organization

Identify Scholarly Articles in Your Field:

  • Search for Scholarly Articles: Most scholarly articles are written under the auspices of a professional organization. Look at the publisher, or within the journal record the SUBJECT field may contain an organization’s name. There is also a field in the full record that lists the AUTHOR’s AFFILIATION
  • Note the authors – search for them online: what institutions are they affiliated with? What organizations are they members of? Scholars and Researchers are very aware of their reputations – they want to be affiliated with quality  organizations.

Google Search – yes, it is OK!

  • Search “Professional Organizations for __ [your profession]
  • Evaluate the lists – who produced them?
  • Spot check the associations listed – see “Look at the Organization’s Website”

Look at The Organization’s Website and Ask the Right Questions:

  • It is very true that not all legitimate professional organizations meet the scholarly profile. This is where thinking critically about what you find is so important. This may take some digging, but the following questions will help you decide- Is it a legitimate professional organization or a commercial group masquerading as a professional entity?
  • Are they selling commercial products? This is different from selling a journal or access to an article.
  • Professional organizations may provide an overview of the best products available, but rarely will they endorse one product.
  • Are they supporting a political candidate? This is different from taking a professional position on a policy issue- this can be tricky. Some professional organizations do support political candidates but they will be very clear about their reasons, if not, ask.
  • Are they supporting legitimate research? Research is ongoing- there is never a final answer. Beware of any group that has the 'answer.'
  • Look at their publications. A legitimate professional organization publishes
  • Who are the leadership group? They should come from the membership ranks. Because a position of responsibility in a professional organization is a career enhancer members often seek out opportunities to serve in these positions.