Photography and Videography in Library Spaces
To ensure an atmosphere conducive to study, research and other academic work, photography and videography in library spaces requires advance approval. The following criteria will be considered when determining if a request is approved:
The request respects patron privacy
The request is not intrusive to library users
The photography/videography does not occur at a time of high library demand
Library employees may occasionally take photographs or videos in library spaces for library publicity purposes only and will follow the above criteria.
How to Request Permission to Photograph or Record Videos in Library Spaces
All commercial photography and videography requests must first be approved through UNH Media Relations.
Non-commercial photography and videography requests may be submitted through the Photography and Video Request Form.
The Library's Communication Manager is responsible for monitoring and updating this policy as needed. Questions about this policy can be sent to
Updated by: Sam Bradbury Koster 12/23
Reviewed by UNH Library Faculty:7/24
Approved by the Dean of the UNH Library: 11/24